Induced, round two...

12 March - Friday morning I woke up pretty early and made my last diabetic breakfast ever. Because I knew it kept my numbers in line and it provided me with a fairly healthful meal, I had eaten two eggs, sunny-side-up, two pieces of whole-grain toast, and water for breakfast every day for three months. Nothing else kept my numbers in the safe zone so I just lived with it. After I had eaten and waited the appropriate hour to test my blood sugar levels I would then enjoy a cup of coffee, if the numbers were right. I was happy that this morning, the numbers were right and I really enjoyed that cup of coffee.

After getting ready for the day and having a large prayer circle with Nana and Papa, Mom, Matt, and I loaded into the BMW and headed to HSK, arriving around 9:00 am. We were met in the Labor & Delivery area by "Prickly Pear" as we called her. She kept telling Matt to go downstairs to get me admitted but the only guy working didn't speak English and tried to send Matt to the OB ward. (We had already gone there on another occasion and Matt knew that wasn't where we were supposed to go. And, last Friday when I was there for the first attempt at induction we dealt with a great lady who admitted me from her desk and I was sent back upstairs to L&D... why this guy was sending Matt on a wild goose chase, we'll never know.) Matt returned to the waiting room where Mom and I were still sitting (which we didn't have to do last week) and joined us in the wait. "Prickly Pear" came out and sent Matt back downstairs again, implying that I was not going to be seen until admitted. Matt went back back down to find that all the employees were in a meeting. A grumpy Matt decided that he was going to wait on our Host Nation Liaison (German-speaking Army-provided liaison who also happens to be Carson's and Bailey's AWANA teacher) before he attempted anything else.

"Prickly Pear" came back out and rolled her eyes when Matt said that they were all in a meeting. At last she took me back for observation, but would only allow one extra person to come with me. Since Matt had experienced last week's 20 minute fetal-monitoring session he stayed in the waiting room and mom joined me. By the time I was in a room with an IV inserted into my hand (not my wrist, which I would have preferred) it was 11:40. We had wasted precious hours in the waiting room due to "Prickly Pear" but I must say that I am very pleased that this was the last of my interactions with her. From the moment I got into the Labor room I was treated by the sweetest staff imaginable.

Because I wasn't close enough to delivery for Pitocin to be effective they decided to do Cervidil around noon. I had never experienced this before and was really hoping something would happen. When they administer Cervidil you have to lie flat for 2 hours. Um, this coffee-loving gestational diabetic had had a cup of joe and who knows how much water. Can you see the recipe for disaster written on the wall? I was miserable after one hour and thought I might not survive lying flat on my back feeling no labor pains! Forget the pain of delivery! I had to PEE! (Without going into detail, let me just say that I had to ask for assistance!)

I remember at one point a familiar face from the week before came into the room to help another laboring mother and when she was finished I asked her to explain how the cervidil was supposed to work and when/if I might be given Pitocin. She came over and, whether or not she was supposed to be "my" midwife or not, I adopted her right then. When my two hours of confinement were completed, I was instructed to go for a walk around the hospital to return at 4:30 for another round of monitoring. I was, at this time, having regular, mild contractions, but I was able to easily talk through them.

We went downstairs to have a snack, though I was not able to eat due to pretty strong contractions. I was convinced this was going to be "the day."

As we went back upstairs the contractions were strong enough to cause me to want to stand in order to find comfort. The best place to do so was in the hallway where Mom and Matt could sit at a small table and we could all chat. I would talk until a contraction came, then pause. Once it'd pass I could carry on with what I was saying. At one point they strapped me up to a wireless fetal monitor which is how I was able to stand in the hallway rather than lie in the bed. Loved that thing! I could go into the room every few minutes to check on the heart rate and the strength of the contractions. Those earlier in the day had been topping out at around 20 while these were going past 100!

While we were out there Matt pointed out a new daddy looking at his freshly born baby. It was someone we knew from Wiesbaden but I had a hard time at first believing it was him... his wife wasn't due for another month! But sure enough, their baby had been born while we were downstairs in the cafe! She came in and within 4 minutes of getting into a delivery room she had delivered... When dad and baby were whisked off to NICU the mom and my family had an impromptu prayer session in the hallway asking God for protection and for a strong baby. While baby stayed in the NICU for several days, I know for a fact that she's home and all is well at the present! God answers prayers!

Back to my own story, my amazing midwife started pitocin at 5:00 pm. I had found out that she was to get off at 10:00 and my hopes of delivering before then went up! I really wanted her to deliver, but I can't force nature... we'd been trying for a week! :)

Just one hour later they took me off pitocin because nothing much was happening. Plus, there were so few ladies laboring that it was best to send the bulk of the staff home for the evening and the few of us upstairs for a night's rest. I was so disappointed. (Looking back, I'm happy with what they did and am glad I was ultimately able to labor and deliver without Pitocin but at the time, I was quite disappointed.)

I was moved (bed and all) to a room upstairs on the new-mommy floor and placed in a room with another Army wife. She was on bed rest due to preterm labor. We enjoyed quiet conversation for a while before I had to go back downstairs for further monitoring. Here is what I posted as my status when I returned to the room:

I just returned from my last 30 min of monitoring for the day. Had "piggy-back" contractions for the first time ever. (2 that were 2 min apart then a 4 min break, then 2 that were 2 min apart then a 4 min break, etc. ) Going to sleep now. Thanks for your sweet words of encouragement!!

As I am writing this, I'm having to go back and look at my "Wall" on Facebook to get the details and times right. I have waited too long to post this journal! VERY thankful I kept updating my Status as now it is the only way I can remember certain things! I also loved having the ability to receive the love and encouragement from family and friends all over the world in real-time. That was not possible when I had the other boys... I so appreciated knowing that people were praying for Parker and me!

I went to bed half expecting to be pregnant for the rest of my life. I had serious doubts that he'd be born the next day. Pitocin had worked wonders with both Hayden and Bailey. With both boys, they had arrived only hours after the medicine was introduced. I had now been given Pitocin twice with Parker and neither time had it worked. Those irrational thoughts that one has at the end of pregnancy feel real... like, "I will still be pregnant with this kid 3 months from now! He's never going to come! He's going to be 14 lbs! I'm going to be on insulin for the rest of my life." I was disheartened, but a good night's sleep was ahead...

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